projects / Customer Loyalty

In this project, I extended a 3rd party customer loyalty platform to handle some unique business requirements that their platform could not accomplish.

I built embedded web views for loyalty reward tracking and customer-specific donation tracking in the 3rd party app. Customers can now easily view how many meals have been donated on their behalf and view their loyalty status.

Additionally, I developed a system that handles point-requests for customers who forgot to log their visit at the time of purchase. While building these features, I also integrated the loyalty registrations and visits with point of sale data in the company Dashboard.

Tech Stack
Ruby on Rails Bulma CSS

The customer-facing elements of this are server rendered HTML from a Ruby on Rails 6 app into an embedded web view of a third-party app.

Customer Loyalty Meal Count Page in 3rd party loyalty app
Customer Loyalty Point Page in 3rd party loyalty app